Wednesday 17 September 2014


Last Aidil Fitri Raya(Eid Celebration) was unforgettable! Nat King Cole? was because it took me a f*#king 19 hours drive just to reach my wife's hometown Kangar which normally took me a bit over 5 hours on a normal day via NKVE!

What happened you might ask? On that day(Saturday before Eid)1.6 million residents of Kuala Lumpur decided to leave the city at the same time going in three different directions - North, East and South!! I started my journey at 7.45am on Saturday thinking everybody had left the city the previous days, boy was i wrong! From Duta Toll it took my one hour to reach Sungai Buloh Jejantas(normal 5 minutes) and 10 hours to reach Ipoh(normal 2 hours)!! I reached Kangar at 2.30am Sunday morning exhausted!

The next day was recuperating day before more exhausting Eid celebration of visiting relatives one hour drive away. After that free and easy to do some birding( i am a birder if you must know) and a bit of fishing of course.

Perlis the state has a lot of padi fields, canals and lakes apart from the sea in between Langkawi and Kuala Perlis. But since the wind at sea was quite strong and late afternoon storm was regular during the week of Eid celebration, i did not have the chance to fish at sea.

So, snakehead fishing it is then. The closest good spot from the house is Lake Timoh Tasuh, a manmade lake for water supply to the whole state. On the northern side is Thailand. Not all of the lake shore hold snakehead. You need to look for pockets of water where the water is calm with grass line and floating Lotus plants. The spot we chose was at the dead end of road behind a some sort of a camp/chalet/resort, not sure exactly. But the road used to go across where the lake is now. So the dead end is the part which is submerged into the lake, can be used as a ramp to launch your boat really. We do not have a boat so we fished on the roadside. My previous trip there produced a few snakeheads.

My buddy man fished with live frogs while i like to use artificial lure like a spinner bait, i just do not like to handle live frogs because they are slimy. After about 30 minutes none of us get any strike. There was a light rain afterwards. Man took my advice to try yellow plastic frog with weedless hook which turn upward. After a few casts he got a strike just at the end of the retrieve. It was a quite good size snakehead (Haruan) as you can see from the video below:

To watch HD version of this video you can go to this link:

It was my buddy's day that day as i did not catch a single snakehead at the lake.  The only positive was the frog lure he was using was from my collection, at least i know that it was an effective lure to use the next time i go fishing for snakehead whenever i go back to Perlis for a vacation.

Till the next time, happy fishing.

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